Part-Time Justin tells us how to turn up that big game this weekend! He teaches us a game called “Flag on the Play or Bad Call Ref”… If you do this at the get together, is it considered a foul? Play along with us below:

  • A kid changes the channel
  • Someone spills a drink on the couch
  • The queso gets cold
  • Guest yells at the TV
  • A floozie shows up with an exposed thong
  • You clog the toilet and leave
  • Someone talks during the commercials
  • Guest lays down on the couch

Plus, get his tasty recipe for Tailgate Rade below.


Listen to “Turn Up The Big Game!” on Spreaker.





  • 1 part vodka
  • 2 parts Gatorade
  • 2 parts Red Bull

Served over ice.
Orange slice garnish optional.