I was so excited to open the mailbox today and see a letter addressed to me — obviously a Christmas card — and the return address said “Emma Kelly.” That little booger went to Grandmama’s this weekend and she got Grandmama to help her send me a card! How sweet is that?? My first legitimate came-in-the-mail-with-a-stamp-and-everything card from my daughter!
The card itself was generic — “With warm thoughts” and blah blah blah’85.But what my daughter wrote inside is what made me laugh.
On page 1:
“Dear Mommy Merry Christmas HAppy HOLidays I want more than Anything a ReaL puppy PLeAse. Emma Kelly LOVE YOU that’s All I got. How’D you like that? amen Emma Kelly”
And then on page 2:
“thank you for Being my mommy I LOVE YOU SO MUCh you Are the Best and you Are BEautiful and you Are sweet”
All I know is, Santa Claus better bring that kid a danged puppy.