Yes and it’s all because of the facial hair. I normally hate the winter holiday months. The music, the tacky decorations, the togetherness. So grinchy:) However, this whole mo-vember where men don’t shave to raise awareness for boy parts cancer. It’s like a whole new crop of hotness out of nowhere. Even the gay men at the gym look somewhat straight with the facial hair. The best of this, is like the few weeks leading up to Christmas when you’re a kid….knowing that it’s only November 5th. I get to enjoy this view for the next 25 days and it’s only going to get better. The mustaches I can do without, as I prefer full facial hair. Duck Dynasty style is also a little too heavy for me. I don’t want food in my face. I just really prefer a guy with facial hair…in a baseball cap. Then again, this often becomes a case of look, but don’t touch because most women know that any kind of beard contact leaves us with a horrible rash. It’s worth it. I’m down for making every month boy parts cancer awareness. December works, we can call it Movember 2. Janu-hairy? Not sure from there, but I will think about it. Gives me a whole new excited outlook on the depressing winter months:)
ON another note…how do you tell someone of the opposite sex that you heard they were slutty? I mean, this is something I considered on my own and with confirmation it makes me weary. The less mature version of myself would look at this as a conquest of sorts. A challenge to reign in the wild stallion. These days, I recognize that is just setting myself up for failure, but I also haven’t been given reason to completely give up hope. I also don’t care enough about settling down that it should matter. Is it weird that I hope my future partner has a somewhat wild past? This makes them more desirable. I know, it sounds dirty. I think I am just going to stay in the emotional Heisman pose and ride this one out. Especially since it’s movember:)