Get me sick once… shame on you. Get me sick twice… screw you, turkey! Kinsey has been on a cooking kick again, which is awesome for our bank account. Did you know that cooking at home is waaaaay cheaper than eating at restaurants? Shocker, huh?! What is it about the human brain that makes us want to prove that we can conquer something that has whooped our butt in the past? It has been ingrained in our brains since childhood. When you are learning to walk, you fall, so you try again. Riding a bike, same thing. Try to learn how to swim, almost drown, you try again. We keep doing this our entire lives, even if we don’t realize it.
Here’s my latest experience. A few months ago, Kinsey cooked some Turkey burgers… and we promptly got sick… all. Night. Long! Having to join regurgitation nation with a baby in the house is tough enough, especially when the house only has one bathroom. We have not touched turkey since. Do I eat the deli style turkey? Yes, but if it must be cooked, I stay away. Yesterday, I get home from work and walk into a house that smells like deliciousness. Kinsey informs me that she is cooking us some ground turkey that she bought at the market. It’s lean, its delicious, and it is easy to make. I had a burger, and she put it in a salad. About five hours later, it hit Kinsey. We had our kickball game, and Cason was going to come watch, since last time we tried to take him Kinsey’s car broke down. This was the day. Nope. Kinsey stayed back, and her sis came over. She told me to go because our lil team needed people, and it’s Kinsey’s former work team. It was only an hour, and I would be back in no time. I didn’t think the turkey had anything to do with it
As I drove out there, I felt something weird. I paid no attention, played kickball. Pegged a girl. Got made fun of being too intense. Headed home… and joined Kinsey’s sickness club. Oh yeah! Good times. We realized, at that moment, that the turkey had won again. If you ever come to my house, or cook me dinner, do not cook me turkey meat. I will throw it against the wall. Good news, we only puked all night. Bad news: Kinsey had a gig today where she was supposed to make good money, and may not be able to do it. At least I feel a bit better this morn. So there’s that.
Cute Cason moment: We took him to the park before the turkey apocalypse. Two hours after we came home, he pulled a random leaf out of his mouth. He hid a dang leaf in his mouth! He pulled that bad boy out, looked at it, and tried to put it back in. Hey, at least it was just a leaf. It could have been worse.