Well, this was probably the most boring weekend I have ever had. I stayed in… the whole time. We had some bad weather, which created some icy conditions on the road. A lot of my friends did manage to get out and about here and there, but we didn’t want to risk it with two lil ones. It’s just not worth it.
Kinsey and I actually got into to pretty legit arguments though. Over what, you may ask? Over who gets to go to the store. Yup. We needed some food, and the store is literally two minutes away, so it’s not that big of a deal, and we got into a full on “I should be the one to go” argument. Normally, we fight to not go. But this was different. We were starting to suffer from cabin fever… and so were the kids. Sure, we went out and slid in a sled (AKA a laundry hamper) for a while, but that didn’t last long because Cason will not keep his hoodie or his gloves on.
That same argument took place twice this weekend, but if that is all we are arguing about, I would consider that a success.
Since Cason was getting a lil bored, he decided to start his own game: what can I hide in the Christmas Tree?!? Oh, it’s a great game. He has hidden my keys in there last week, I also found a spoon, a couple toys, and this embarrassing story that took place on Saturday morning. Well, some friends in our neighborhood did not have power, so we invited them over to warm up. They walked over, and entered the house. First thing they noticed was our Christmas Tree, so Kinsey started showing it to them. Then Cason walks over, and starts pointing at the tree on the other side of where they were standing. So they walked around, thinking he was going to show them a cool ornament he had put up… nope. Kinsey pulled a pair of my underwear out of the tree. I guess Cason went into the dirty clothes pile and got them. They were some old ones too, so they looked gently worn for sure. Even had a couple of holes and everything. Good times.