I’m not a huge ghost guy. Sure, I saw Ghostbusters but who am I to say what exists and what doesn’t? On the other hand… this was weird. I was doing some paperwork at my restaurant at about 8am Saturday morning and no one else was in the building. First, I heard a tapping sound. I looked up. I looked around. Nothing seemed to be out of place or weird. So, I went back to doing what I was doing. Then, all of a sudden, a glass just hit the ground and shattered. It was sitting on a shelf. It wasn’t teetering on the edge. It was in place and secure. And it tipped over and fell. Like I said, I’m not a huge ghost guy. But this has no other explanation. I cleaned the glass. Then I went to the convenience store to get a cup of coffee and to calm my nerves.
I did have a quick one-hour date this weekend. And I have to say, it ended a little differently. It was just a couple glasses of wine and an appetizer and a little conversation. She was coming back from an early wedding and she also had plans that night…so, she was squeezing me in between…And she had no problem telling other folks sitting around us that we met on a dating app. Ehh, that was fine. But when the check came, she paid the tab. That was different. She said she feels sorry for guys that have to always pay so she pulled out the credit card and paid the tab. That has never happened!