Today is the day. It’s weigh in day. My friend and I are having an official weigh in this afternoon at 2 p.m. and the person that has lost the least amount of weight has to pay off a bet that will cost him at least $2000. It’s a trip for 4 to New Orleans, 2 hotel rooms, dinner and drinks. The loser pays for EVERYTHING! You could look at it as a win-win. We both lost at least 10 pounds so that’s a good thing. But I’m not looking at it like that. NOLAI really want to win this thing.

As a last minute effort, yesterday, I went and bought one of those Sauna Suits. Its like a plastic sweat suit that you wear when you are working out. And wow, did I sweat. Sure, I was looking like a freaking martian as I walked on the treadmill, but the sweat was pouring off of me. But it was all water weight. So, did it work? I’ll find out today. I didn’t have to lose a specific amount of weight. I just have to lose more than the other guy. I’m nervous as hell. I never win bets. NEVER! I can’t tell you the last time I won a bet. So, why did I make this one? I wanted to lose some weight, and this definitely motivated me. I just hope it motivated me enough. We’ll find out today at 2!