I am not a person that gets sick a lot. But this spring break, I made up for that. It hit me while we were on the Rasberry Road Trip and it got even worse as our real vacation started. Then, by this last week, I told myself that if I wasn’t better by last Wednesday that I would go to the Doctor. I wasn’t so, I did. Apparently, the “Bronchitis” was getting the best of me. So, that meant a shot, and some medicines were in my future. But, slowly, I am coughing a little less and less everyday.
Meanwhile, as we got home from the road trip, I came home to a couple of employees that apparently we’re tired of working for me. So, normally in this case, an employee gives 2 weeks notice. Or maybe 1 week in some cases. Well, these 2 employees gave me about 4 hours notice. The each left a nice note on the bar from when they closed the night before. So, when I arrived the next morning at 8am, I read the news that they both quit. So, that left me with about 3 hours to find a bartender to work that morning at 10a. Well, it was a stressful morning, but we made it through. And my First day of vacation was off to a wonderful start. So, at this point, I was sick, I was down a few employees, and I had about 10 days until my new restaurant was supposed to open.
Speaking of the new restaurant, it is almost time. I have been scared, stressed, sick and broke! I tried to have a “soft” opening by last week but that didn’t work. But things are looking good. In fact, we have the final “health” inspection today and unless something incredibly bad happens, we will get the “all clear” to start up. The Grand Opening will happen on April 9th, but the doors will be open for business this Wednesday. Yikes, that’s 2 days from today! 2 DAYS!!!!!!!! All I need is a sign. AND FOOD… AND BEER… AND ALCOHOL….AND Mustard…..AND NAPKINS…..AND EVERYTHING! The Health inspector told us to not buy anything to stock the restaurant until we have our health permit. Man, Signs are expensive. But that is the least of my worries! Anyway, I have hired a manager that has done most of the hiring for me. In fact, I think we have in the neighborhood of 20-30 employees and I have met about 3 of them. Hopefully, I can meet them today. And hopefully, they are each good at what they do. This has been a scary and stressful time but with a little luck and help from the Lord, everything will work out fine. At least, that is my prayer!
My girlfriend made it home from her vacation yesterday. She has been in South Carolina with some friends and we hadn’t seen each other in 2 weeks.