Personal News: There is no need to panic ladies and gentlemen. I may have had some problems with Nu Chick, but I am not really in need of “Al, I would love for you to meet my (blank).” I do appreciate the thoughts and I’m sure your sister, mom, daughter,
Best of the Day: How Hot Is It?
Boy, it sure is hot! How hot is it?… We went around the room with our best heat jokes to help put things into perspective! See All Best of the Day
J-Si’s Blog: Forgetting to Pay Very Important Bills
It is so nice to get some internet again! Kinsey and I may have forgotten to pay a couple of bills that are super important, like the cable bill, and the internet… so yesterday, we got shut off. This is really awesome because it makes it super easy to help
Kellie’s Blog: The Tuesday that never happened
I could tell you about day 2 of our vacation, which was a trip to Disneyland. But I really need to unload about my day. May I? This was just a crappy day. Actually, I would like to erase Tuesday from memory, proclaim Wednesday to be my new Tuesday, and